smlm nye cite gol n gincu is da best
sronok gilew tgk taw
mula2 eddy propose putri..
nasib bek putri x say yes
then apa ek
putri n mia g gim..wah..trainer tu amat hensem
eddy tu mmg playboy
sian kat putri..
then part plg best eddy kantoi msa men futsal lawan reza
eddy n reza bgadoh
tp actly ikan yg start dulu
shasha g dance salsa wit haikal
pastu mayb si haikal tu teruja ..hahhaha
shahsha da malu eheheh
gol n gincu mmbuatkan my mood bcome better
n my happy hormon mnaik dgn mendadak
tiba2 dpt mis cal dr org x dikenali
pastu ada report
tgk2 msg da sent kat b agak happy
n quite excited
try to cal him
tp x dpt laks
pastu he msg me bck
n said "yeah..b doakan kjayaan hny "
i cal him..he stil cal me hny..
so..wat is dat mean?
then he ada incoming cal
so malas nk tgu i hang up da fon
then kitorg msg2 sket
tp all his msg cm x mesra sgt..
n i dunno wat to say
dis mornin he on his fon awal
kul 9 am da on
just wish him mornin
lalallalala...wat i s his feeling towards me huh?
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