Wednesday, April 25, 2007

more money plzz...!

im broke !!!
wit da only RM 97 in my wallet..
i spend :

1) 2 tudung cost RM 35 each

2. have a tea set at secret recipe ; cheese brownies + coffee cost RM 11.50

3. magazines ; cleo (it is MUST buy magazine every month ), EH! ( i bought it bos fara fauzana is da cover girl !! ) , seventeen (cuupacakes recipe inside..i rly2 wanna try ! ) . all total RM 19

n now there's no money left in my wallet..
but i need money to buy more stuff !!!
n i cannot go anywhere..cannot hang out wit frens..
cannot go to msjbox gathering..( of cos la..!)

owh..nyway wanna wish sultan mizan for officially being agong tomorrow
n those who are not working tomorrow..happy holiday!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

its been a long tymmmeeeee

owh today i decide to blog in english cos my english is getting realy2..bad! and im blogging very da skema.sory for a lots grammar mistake dat i do ..huhu

last saturday dyra ask me to company her to go shopping at mid valley. and i just say ok since i also want to buy some stuff and it's been a year i've not jejak kan kaki ke mid valley !
ahha da last time i went to mid valley wit my ex-bf,syukri..

we went there by komuter.and reach there at 12.30 da search of our stuff begin ! we enter most of da shops in mid valley = zara, MNG, topshp, miss selfrige, roxy, MPH, metrojaya..just name it..but after 2 hours walking non stop we stil dun get anything for us..

owh.. after keluar from MNG, we saw crowd in front of MAC shop . n my 1st thougt is MAC has launched its new collection - Barbie loves MAC collection. n guess wat ? we take pictures wit da human barbie.whoah ! but da human barbie not really pretty la..but sory guys i can upload da pics right now since da pics are taken using dyra's fon.n we get a small pieces of snacks serve by da cute boys there..hahaha :p

pergh..after so damn tired walkin we decide to take our lunch 1st ..dyra bought popia n i decide to have dunkin donuts for my lunch.. there's a new promotion at dunkin donuts..da ice latte ! da sample of ice latte taste great but its fucking pahit when we bought it ;( n we dapat a scratch n win card n we get another donut..owh we have donuts wit da chocolate filled inside it n bendera donut full just eating da donut ok !

at last i bought some shirts dat i love n not regret to buy it.fuhhh...!

bought from : metrojaya
brand : Googles
price : RM 49.90
comments : owh..dis is my my faveret shirt ever..cos its been a long tyme i've searched for da stripes shirt. but it's quite sexxay at da chest.lalala

bought from : metrojaya
brand : plasticue
price : RM 54.90
comments : dyra ask me to buy dis shirt bcos da caption of da shirt "hello, my name is GORGEOUS "

bought from : PDI
brand : PDI
price : RM 24.90
comments : heh actually da price is RM 49..90 but then i get 50% discount.heeeeeee

nk jiwang jap :P emm..mid valley mnyimpan bnyk knangan aku di sana. evry single place there remind me a lot of sweet memories wit my luv one long tyme ago.hotdog 1901, da seats in front of roxy, da seats at da level 2 at north court, da stairs n da bridge at KTM station..buat aku jadi rindu knangan silam ku..hmmmmmmmmm.........

my aunt, kak ma (cuzin)

kak oti ( cuzin )n kak ma, kak ma's fiance : abg yunus

sunday, in da evening i visited my uncle hse at damansara cos hekna kayap on his face..ouch pity mum said kayap is vry painful apatah lagi if kna kat muka kn..

actually my parents dun want to bring their children to my uncle's la..nk melawat org sakit so cm agak myusah kan if bawa kanak2..
i said to my mum i wanna go cos its been a long tyme i dun meet my beautiful cuzins kak ma n kak oti n my luvly aunt, mak noi ..! kak ma brings her fiance abg yunus to my uncle's hse too..abg yunus tu kn snyap je..busan btul x leh nk kaco2..hahha

owh my uncle is getting better. he can angkat paper lama yg bnyk setimbun tuh ! so kire he da ok la ..

my uncle's wife serve us nasi lemak n its taste really gud..da lama x mkn nasi lemak sesedap ini..huhu

Friday, April 13, 2007

jambu nye...

owh pagi2 ni
semasa sidai baju di luar rumah..
baru la terperasan ade sesuatu yg mnarik di luar rumah ku..
apa dia?

pokok jambu ku sudah berbuah juga setelah di ugut emak ku
ugutan emak ku kepada pokok jambu : kalu ko x berbuah jugek..aku tebang ke..
heheh..berbuah jugek pokok ini

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sedara mara

weekend lepas..rumah ku dikunjungi sedara mara
sabtu petang, pak uda, cu n adek sedara ku yg cumel n nakal, naquib telah datang ke rumah ku..
my parents bought nasi beriyani since our refrigerator x de lauk cos x g pasar..heheh
nasi beriyani tuh..nasi dia bnyk gilew!
nasi dia sdap la gak..but lauk dia kureng la..x besh sgt..heeee

adek sedara ku yg bernama naquib itu telah mnunjukkan kebolehannye melukis..
kalu bdak laki selalu nye lukis apa ye?
msti la lukis gmba2 keta lumbe..huhu
kalu adek ku yg gal tuh pasti la lukis gmba barbie la..princess la..

ini adalah gmba keta lumbe yg dilukis oleh adek sedara ku naquib
actly keta tuh menghadap ke kanan..
tp tah cmne pndai lak dia ubah posisi ke sebelah kiri..
dia mngambil contoh dr paper berita harian yg pasal keta2 tuh yg slalu kuar ari sabtu tuh...

mlm tuh plak..
sedara mara ku dr kampong ku di telok intan datang bermalam di rumah ku..
mak de, makcik jina, pakcik kamal dan 2 adek sedara ku, harith dan amira..
diorg baru blk dr KL
nk taw diorg pi jalan mane?
diorg gi eye's on malaysia..!
sgt tidak adil..cos kitorg ni org KL pon x pi sana lagi..huhu

malam tuh mereka di jamu dgn mee jawa..
mule2 aku mcm x nk makan cos da lewat kn..
kata jaga diet plak..
tp bile nengok kuah nye cm sodap je..
aku telah mnghabis kn mee jawa itu..
waduh..confirm esok nye perot ku buncet..wawawa...

owh..lupe nk gtaw..
adek kesygan ku, hanani..x de kat umah..
cos dia pi camping penolong kelas kat hulu langat..
so sedih la gak kawan baik dia merangkap sepupu dia , harith tuh cos x dpt jmpe dia kn..

esok nye..makcik jina n pakcik kamal dan 2 org anak mereka keluar..
pi gk F1 tuh..
cos pakcik kamal ni sbnar nye cikgu..
dia jg cikgu pngiring bwa bdak2 skola dia pi tgk F1..
skola dia dpt tiket free..

pkol 3.30 pm ahad..adek ku hanani pulang ke rumah dr camping..
muke pnat dia x leh bla..
cm serabut gilew..dan tak terurus

da nk dekat maghrib..pakcik n makcik ku pulang la dr sepang..
pastu pas maghrib mereka pon pulang..heeeee
aku dpt sket duit sbb result STPM nye..heheh

adek ku, hanani n aisyah. adek sedara ku, amira n harith

ari isnin..
aku, adek ku yg kecil 2 org tuh demam..
kami pon ke klinik..
n aku bleh tido plak masa tgu turn nk jmpe doctor..heehhe

Friday, April 06, 2007

triple tag !

last week ade 2 org tag aku..dylla n fadilah
so aku hutang diorg tag..waaa..ade 3 tag aku kna buat..manyak nye..

#1 *tagged by dylla*

Last FRIEND you: (not including family)
1. Saw: dylla
2. Talked to on the phone: kika
4. Text messaged: azizul
5. Ate with: dylla

1. I'm: fine
2. Wearing: shirt n pants
3. What were u doing 10 hours ago: tido lol
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: bosan

1. Number(s):7, 20
2. Movies: sepet, gol n gincu ;)

1. Are you missing someone right now: him.sapa him? ahah
2. Mood : biasa saje
3. Wanting: take a rest


Q: First thing you did this morning?
A: tutup alarm

Q: Favorite quote?
A: there's no regret in life, just lessons

Q: What's bothering you right now?
A: malas nk ikut anta adek g camping..hehe

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: shell sec 9

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Yes

Q: Do you smile often?
A: evryay ;) snyum itu kn sdekah.hoho

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Y.E.S

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes, i tink la..heheh

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: yellow

Q: What were you doing at 12 last night?
A: smsing wit azizul

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: wednesday

Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: vry short-tempered beb..

Q: What are you about to do?
A: main tenet

Q: Did you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?
A: dolu2..heheh

Q: Rate life as of right now... 0-10?
A: 7

3person I have to tag
*fadilah diyana
*kak meera

#2 *tagged by fadilah diyana*

Rules & Regulations:Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

6 perkara yang pelik tentang Haziqah:

1. aku plg pntang org pasang lampu waktu da ade matahari yg allah bg.chya matahari da cukup terang untuk mnyinari bumi kite ni bwat apa pasang lmpu siang2. prangai ni sbnar nye aku dpt drpd ustzah aku katskola agama msa darjah4..hehe.ustazah hayati tu yak suke psang lampu siang2..rimas kata nye.aku pon da terbiasa.unless kalu da gelap sgt cm ujan lebat ke..bru la aku psang lmpu

2 .kalu aku terlebih makan dan rasa badan aku mcm berat semacam , aku akan berjalan2 sekeliling rumah untuk konon2 mngurangkn berat badan aku..hehe.pastu prg yg tgk aku mundar mandir pon pning la tgk prangai aku yg pelik ni ;p

3. aku suke baca paper n magazine dari muke surat belakang ke muka surat depan

4. walaupon sudah 10 tahun aku mmakai tudung secara serius..tapi aku masih x dapat ikut style2 tudung yg ade dan pasti ade yg x kna je kalu aku cube bwat style2 tuh.mknanye cm x msuk la kalu aku cube buat.senget la.pnjang sblah la.mcm dolu2..wardina pastu waheeda n apa2 lagi style bienda je aku bleh ikut cket2..heh

5. aku x bleh hidup tnpa air.kalu msa sekolah dulu tnya la classmate aku.di mana ade haziqah, di situ ada air @ botol air ku..heheh.dan aku bleh pning tahap dewi kalu x minom air dlm masa tertentu

6. sbnar nye kalu korg nk taw..otak aku x pnah berhenti berfikir.spnajang msa ade saje bnda yg aku fikir kn..n nk tulis psl bnda2 yg pelik pasal aku ni pon otak akuberfikri spnjang msa dan mngambil masa 2 hari utntuk pikir apa yg plik pasal aku..hoho

*sorg je aku nk tag.. dylla ! *

#3 *tagged by dylla*


Name : haziqah auni binti helmi
Date of birth : 20th July 1987
Current status : Single
Eye colour : brown black
Hair Colour : black
Righty or lefty : righty
Zodiac sign : Cancer


Your heritage : Malay
Your fear : cannot further my study at local uni ;(
Your weakness : sweet foods ;p
Your perfect pizza : super supreme n extra cheeseeee....!


Your thoughts first waking up : plan what to do today
Tomorrow : holiday
Your bedtime : 12pm
Your most missed memory : form 6!


Pepsi or coke : Coke
McD or burger king : McD
Single or group dates : Single.
Adidas or nike : Nike.
Lipton tea or nestea : lipton
Chocolate or vanilla : vanilla
Cappucino or coffee : Cuppucino


Smoke : nop
Curse : i tink so..hehhe


Drank alcohol : nvr
Gone to the mall : Yes
Been on stage : Nopes
Eaten sushi : nvr n never..!
Dyed your hair: nop


1 minute ago : typing
1 hour ago : cooking lunch
1/2 hours ago : cooking lunch gak
1 month ago : Have no idea
1 year ago : schooll!


i love : my family n doing bisnes..heheh
i feel : biasa saje
i hate : no repect
i hide : my body..ahaha
i miss : my school time f6
i need : rest


* x nak tag sapa2 bleh?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

its birthday again..!

its my 3rd sis, hanani bday now..
2nd april n she turns 10 years old..
ahahha..x lma lagi jadi anak dara adek aku ni..hoho

but smlm tah apa kna dia bad mood dr pagi smpai le ke mlm..
pagi2..i admit i make her bengang at me kn..
but blk skola kbangsaan pon she stil in bad mood..
ptg also sma bad mood aje..

mlm tuh we clbrte her bday..
we sing happy bday song
but she stil muncung kn mulut mcm mulut platipus..ahhaha

smlm kami meraikan bday nye smbil mkn mcD..
im luvin it !

dan kek tiramisu

after makan bru she ok la..
bile dpt main camera..bru la nk snyum..

Monday, April 02, 2007

hav fun wit my sygness

saturday nite teringat kat dylla
ehe..rindu plak kt dia kn..
so anta la sms sweet2 yg psl frens
then around 10 pm she sent me sms
she said she's at s.alam now..!
dia ade wedding kat her kmpong at pdg jawa la..
waaaaa...nk meet her but da lewat mlm kn..n i cant go out at night
so ingat kn nk ajak dia g bekfes 2mrw morning ke..
but she said she got wedding da next day, sunday la kn..
she invited me to da wedding..
i was like.." ahha..bleh ke?"
her cuzin kawen so cm plik la if me dtg kn..heheh
then she bg direction to da wedding but cm x fhm sgt pon..
so i ask my pet bro, naim minta dia tlg cari kn kat mane dat wedding..
ckp la pngantin prmpuan dia nma nureen..
n rupe2 nye ..... tuh kakak mael ..! x caya je mael tu cuzin dyll kn..

then da next day, sunday...
morning start from 8am da ujan lebat gilew..
takot je ujan x brenti smpai da wedding kn..susah la nk g wedding if ujan kn..
n if ujan lebat sgt takot pdg jawa bnjir la plak..
but..around 12.30pm..luckily ujan pon brenti..
fuh..lega la..!

kol 2pm grak g pdg jawa..
but my car cm cacat sket cos temperature sgt rndah..
so msa mulle2 nk start engin dia cm tersekat2..but ble da jln cket..da ok la..
smpai dkt trafik light pdg jawa da confius..
i turn to right..pegi jalan rimba jaya..hoho
anta sms kat iem then iem kata bwh jmbatan la..

ngee..da smpai.ienm pon da smpai..
ahh...rindu nye kat dia..
nmpak arin pkai bju pink lagi..
sms dyll kata da smpai..pastu borak ngn ijal n nazrul jap b4 jumpe dyll

then dyll n me pegi mkn..
n..i got special layanan from her cuzin..huhu
apa kena la bdak tuh tibe2 nk mlyan aku dgn baik skali kn..heheh
tp muka dia cm arif danial..wawawa

msa kitorg tgh mkn tibe2 pngantin smpai..
n kitorg cm dihalau cos nk bg rombongn pngantin mkn..
then afta ate nasi minyak..
kitorg mkn bubur itam..
ahha..1st time i ate dis bubur..n rsa dia sgt sdap..! nyum2 ;)

ooh..n x sngka yang haziq f6 yg tinggi tuh cuzin dyll gak kn...
isy2..rmai nye cuzin dia yg me knal kn...

da borak2 ngn dyll..
blk la..but b4 dat jmpe naim dulu kn..
n arin...ahh..rindu nye kat adek2 ku..
tak terlepas lagi rindu kat diorg..

petang tuh plak..
my parents x de so i decide to bring my lil sisters g mkn2 n main kat tasik s.alam
g mkn kat kdai kopi..
we ordered chicken chop, ice blended cuppucino, lasagne n kedai kopi asikrim deleuxe..
pergh..knyang gilew dowh..
untuk mngurangkn berat dgn mknan2 yg ada dlm bdn..g la jln2 pusing kat tasik..smbil usha org2 hensem..hahaha
blk umh da pnat n kekenyangan ;)

current mood : miss my pet bros n happy meet dyyla
