ZAHIRAH'S [01] Real name:Haziqah Auni Bt Helmi
[02] Nickname:iqa, ziqah, blackchix
[03] Status:Single but not available
[04] Zodiac Sign:cancer
[05] Gender:Girl-Female
[06] Age:21 tahun
[07] High School:SMSK9 Shah Alam n SMKS16 s.alam
[08] ?
[09] Height:153 cm
[10] Weight:53kg
[11] Do you like yourself:mestilah
[12] Piercings:kat tlinga ckop
[13] Right or left:right
[14] Are you a freak :nop
[15] Hair:short
[16] Skin:itam manis..he
[17] Allergic:habuk dan pin besi
[18] What are you doing now:mendengar lagu bunga cinta lestari dan ari lasso - aku dan dirimu di[19] What will you doing 1 hour later:sleep2
THE FAMILY[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family:Parents
[22] Siblings(included you):5 org. im da eldest
[23] Eldest:me
[24] Youngest:aisyah
[25] Love/hate your family:mestilah sayang..lagi2 jauh ni..wuwu
THE LOVE[26] You found your another half:ye ke? Tak taw la
[27] If yes, who is he/she:tah la
[28]Who you want he/she to be:abe saye boleh he
[29] Time(s) you in relationship:kawan je..7 bulan da
[30] Ever woo boy/girl:he ada kot
[31] Anyone woo you before:adala sket haha
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:tiada siapa yang sempurna
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:sesuatu dgn kata2
[34] Ever argue with your other half:yep sgt srunuk taw haha
[35] You with your other half since:kawan je ok..april 2008 on his bday he
[36] Are you straight/lesbo:lurus
[37] Reasons you love your other half:tak taw la..tiba2 je wawa
[38] You and your other half in which stage:teman tapi mesra
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:sama2 boleh tak? agaga
[40] Ever think of marry he/she:lalala
THE FRIENDS[41] Your first best friend:Lolitas
[42] Your first enemy:saya tidak suka mmpunyai musuh walaupon orang itu mau bmusuh dgn saya
[43] The friends you love the most:siti khadijah bahrin
[44] The enemy you hate the most (1 only):syaitan dan musuh islam
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend:izatun zaid
[46] Your most handsome boy friend:Muhammad Ali al- amiri
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most:terlalu banyak ckp atau terlalu pendiam, yang bercakap kuat2 nak bgtaw satu dunia yang dia sedang bercerita
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most:ego yang terlalu tinggi
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before:er..ade kot
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover:Nope
[51] If your friend backstabbing you:tak de kot sume baik belaka
[52] If your friend betray you:bengang la
[53] If your friend woo your lover:tak de pon sume baik2 jugak tapi ada la jeles jugak he
[54] If your friends fall in love with you:kalu serasi …
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:kalu da jodoh..
THE STUDIES[56] Are you a good student:baik la jugak sejak masuk U tapi 2 kali je ponteng kelas tu pon bersebab hehe
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments:kenalah buat kalu tak carry mark cmne tp buat last minit hihi
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:encik azrul amri bin jamal, puan aznida hayati zakaria, pn connie
[59] Always late to school/college:hhaha..biasa la tu tapi masuk kelas jugak he
[60] Your class:SMSKPP 3
[61] You love your seniors:Yep baik je ngn dorg
[62] Senior who you love the most:kak lele, kak ju, kak ika, farah
[63] Your classmates good/bad:msti la good..
[64] Excellent result classmate:
aizat si scanner , ong yew chuan n izah
[65] Laziest classmate:saya la
THE PEOPLE[66] Smart people:segak dari segi penampilan, pmikiran dan tingkah laku
[67] Stupid people:orang yang da taw kbenaran tapi buat2 tak tahu n masih nak tegakkan yang salah
[68] Good looking people:yang sedap mata memandang
[69] Ugly people:yang rasa diri dia buruk n tak kesah penampilannya smpai bile2 n mmpunyai keyakinan diri yg rendah
[70] Funny people:orang yang bias mmbuat org tersenum atau gelak walaupon dia sbnarnya tak buat lawak pon
[71] Cute people:yang pipi nye tmbam haha
[72] Bad people:orang yang zalim tanpa berasa bersalah
[73] Honest people:
orang yang buat ssuatu dgn ikhlas n xde niat nak mnipu pon
[74] Acting people:talam 2 muka
[75] You are what kind of people:cakap lepas pastu mnyesal, baik kot tapi kdg2 jahat
THE PREFER[76] Lip or eyes:bibir yang tersenyum bisa mnggoncangkan dunia
[77] Hugs or kisses:bothhh..!
[78] Shorter or taller:not too short not too tall
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous:spontaneous. Sbb sgt cumel
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms:perot yang tidak buncit
[81] Listener or talker:talker utk org lain sbb sy hanya listener
[82] Romantic or rich:dua2 haha. Tapi x nk romantic sgt nnti tensen bile dia da tak romantik, kalu kaya sgt pon tensen taw
[83] Good husband or Good Father:tak sama ek husband ngn ayah? Cm sama je..tapi gud husband akan jadi ayah yang baik jugak bukan
THE FUTURE[84] Age to get marry:25
[85] Numbers of kid(s):2 girls 2 boys = 4 . sama dgn zahirah hehe
[86] Career:bisneswoman
[87] Salary:asal cukup makan pkai n dpt sedekah
[88] Retirement age:50 kot
[89] Properties value:anak yg soleh n solehah..insyaAllah
[90] Wishes:hidup yg dirhmati Allah bsama keluarga dan sahabat yg tersayang
Starting time: 11.12pm
Name : haziqah auni helmi
Sisters : 4
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 6/7
Height : 153cm
Where do you live : shah alam selangor
Have you ever been on a plane : Yup...twice ...
Swam in the ocean : kat trganu best..he tp ngn life jacket la
Fallen asleep at school : masa form 6 je..masa darjah 1 til form 5 baik je tak pnah tdo dalam kelas he
Broken someone’s heart : kita tak ditakdirkan bersama
Fell off your chair : ada kot tak ingat la
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : ndak
Saved e-mails : dale inbox jah
What is your room like : ada katil, ada almari ada meja dan sewaktu dgn nye
What’s right beside you: samir, bear pmberian ita
What is the last thing you ate : nasi diner
Ever had...Chicken pox : yep
Sore throat : kdg2
Broken nose : ndak
Do you believe in love at first sight : tak pnah terjadi jadi ndak tahu mau pcaya ke dop
Like picnics : love it!
Who was/were...The last person you danced with : ejah n yus di atas jalan raya smasa bjoging tapi x de sape tgk la he
Last made you smile :
blog chikaYou last yelled at : tensen pas present sytem
Today did you...Talk to someone you like : yep
Kissed anyone : yep ;)
Get sick : alhamdulillah sehat sejahtera
Talk to an ex : nop
Miss someone : bear
Who do you really hate: tak de sape.
Do you like your hand-writing : biasa je
Are your toe nails painted : nop
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : kak qish.sblah ni je kan he
What color shirt are you wearing now : putih yg tak berape suci sbb ade kotoran haha
Are you a friendly person : frenly bile da knal
Do you have any pets : nop..
Do you sleep with the TV on : ndak
What are you doing right now : dgr lagu cinta antara kita @
4shared.comCan you handle the truth : insyaAllah boleh
Are you closer to your mother or father : mak
Do you eat healthy : ye saye mnjaga diet saya tapi selalunya tak jaga pon huhu
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : ade kot tapi tah mana tah
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : sahabat
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : loud = family + sahabat, quiet = dgn org yg snyap jugak
Are you confident : boleh la
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1) budak darjah 5
2) suka jalan2 naik basikal
3) suka bli stiker kat satu umah ni
4) buat bisnes stiker yg gile cekik darah haha
5) suka g giant sec 18 sorg2..otai woh..he
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1) sedekah n tlg sesapa yang mmmerlukan
2) bg mak abah n fmly idup sng wlupon skang alhmdullilah sng gak ;)
3) bisnes
4) mnolong2 pejuang2 Islam
5) sapa nak duet meh la cri ke? haha
5 of my bad habits
1) kurang rajin
2) suka buang masa dgn berborak
3) suka jalan sorg
4)mulut lepas
5) kdg2 rasa diri yg x bagus ni bagus sgt
5 places I've lived/living
1) taman bukit ampang
2) section 17 s.alam
3) section 18 s.alam
4) section 9,s.alam
ZAHIRAH's1. Sudah pukul berapa sekarang?
2. Apa mood sekarang?
3. Rasa hendak buat apa sekarang?
rasa mau mintak tlg ssiapa yg pndaiurut tlg urut pinggang saya yg sakit tataw npe..da tua kot..hehe
4. Kalau ada 'magic' sekarang rasa hendak buat apa?
rasa mau ke mana2 dgn sekelip mata
5. Rasa hendak tengok cerita apa sekarang?
heroes n latest james bond
6. Keluarga sedang buat apa sekarang?
7. Apakah waktu makan sekarang? Sudah makan?
wktu supper tapi tiada sapa mau makan
8. Rasa hendak duduk bersama siapa sekarang?
bear boleh? haha
9. Dan Dia/ Mereka sedang buat apa sekarang?
kua mlepak kot atau bjumpe dgn org buat stiker
10. Macam mana cuaca sekarang?
sehat barangkali
11. Kalau ada tunai sejuta di tangan sekarang, hendak buat apa?
ala..knpe harus materialistik..tapi nak kmera digital,kmera SLR, hnpon baru utk maxis saye
12. Rasa hendak souvenir daripada siapa sekarang?
daripada zami..mana souvinier itu bah dr ireland tu..
13. Setelah menjawab beberapa soalan survey ni, apa mood sekarang?
pnat..bile nak abih ni
14. Jadinya, sudah pukul berapa sekarang?
15. Akhir sekali, rasa hendak tag siapa sekarang?
tak mau ssiapa
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
-teman tapi mesra..dia la kata
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
- gedik ;P
- comel
- mengada =p
- pndai berkomunikasi
- frenly kpd sume org
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
- anta sblom g kem taekwondo
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
- he said im unique..ntah apa yg unik saya pon tataw
5. If he/she become your lover, you will…
- sayang dia btul2
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will…
- plz no..
7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on…
- btmbah kuat iman n btakwa boleh? he
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is…
- tanak...
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
- sesuatu ...
10. The overall impression of him/her is…
- saya suka berkwan dgn nye
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- baik tapi jahat kot
12. The character of you for yourself is?
- tak betul
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- tak kuat utk elak diri dari dipengaruhi
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
15. For the people who care about and like you, say something about them.
- saya sayang awak sgt2
16. Ten people to tag:(10 org yg akan di tag)
tanak jugak
FADILAH'S1.take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2.don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture that picture with NO editing this instruction with your picture
5.tag 10 people to do this.

x baru sgt pon masa g kem takeowndo n sblom malam kbudyaan..tgk gile bnyk brg kat tgn n actually gmba ni diambik pon sbb nak tgk tudung berkedut tak
ANIS's6 perkara mengenai AKU PERNAH1. aku penah curi makan ayam masa knduri
2. aku penah berkayak di sungai trganu tnpa mngetahu apa2 cara nak mendayung pon
3. aku penah snggup tgu kat radio sbb nak kejar hot fm myvi zoomers pas stpm dulu
4. aku penah min boling 2kali je
5. aku penah tengok org curi barang kat klcc pastu kna kejar ngn security..mcm best haha
6. aku penah kena jahit kat kaki sbb kaki berlubang
6 perkara mengenai AKU SUKA1. aku suka makan..
2. aku suka cuba resipi baru
3. aku suka suka baca blog orang
4. aku suka suka amik taw haal polotik negara tapi kmpus lagi best
5. aku suka suka window shopping
6. aku suka bersukan di tmpat yg tak kna cahaya matahari he
6 Perkara Mengenai AKU GERAM / TAK SUKA BILA ..1. aku tak suka bila fon berbunyi masa baru nak terlelap
2. aku tak suka bila orang suh wat keje bile baru nk tdo
3. aku tak suka bila orang meniputapi tak reti nak tipu
4. aku tak suka bila duk kacao orang
5. aku tak suka bila kena marah
6. aku tak suka bila tak de air kat asrama wuwu
sekian saje..ada lagi ke? huhu