Tak ramai student UniSZA yang buat contest. So if ada yang buat , saya akan berbesar hati untuk join walaupun mungkin agak lewat hehe. By the way, contest kali ini adalah anjuran Mr. Asrul Anwar. Nak taw apa contest dia. Mudah je, but first check out the rules....
1- You must be students from KUSZA/ UDM/ UniSZA. (ex-students are also invited to join)
2- You must follow my blog (either through BLOG or email).
3- Send your answer to my email. (asrul_mppudm@yahoo.com). State year u enter UniSZA/ UDM/ KUSZA, and which course are u in.
4- The closing date is on 11th May 2011.
5- Three judges will evaluate your answers (including one lecturer). And judges decision are MUKTAMAD
6- Your answers and pictures adalah hak milik blog ini. WINNERS answer will be posted on this blog.
The questions .....
What is the best moments for you in KUSZA/ UDM/ UniSZA? (not more than 20 words)
-When I was hired as student assistant during orientation week for new students. It was the best experience ever.
What does this university (UniSZA) have that others don't? (not more than 10 words)
-The jogging track around UniSZA
Describe UniSZA in ONE PICTURE.
Describe my blog in ONE WORD.
- Sophisticated
How to WIN?
2- You must write in ENGLISH. (every grammar mistakes will reduce your chance to win). *terasa mcm program meng IMARAH kan bahasa Inggeris plak...*
3- Follow the simple instruction. (the number of words and pictures allowed)
4- Extra marks will be given for anybody who promotes my blog- BLOGGER. (salah 1 cara to promote...if more reference link comes from your blog, extra marks will be given)
5- READ and FOLLOW all the Rules, T&C.
So jom join the contest even tinggal satu hari je lagi !!!
like : )
aku tak nak join contest ni sebab dia paksa buat dalam bi..aku bukan anti bi. tapi kalau nak galakkan orang pandai bi, sepatutnya dia buat, buat dalam bi digalakkan..
jangan kita nak pandai bi tapi kita pinggirkan bm
maj : jom join..
Faris : err..faris..ok pe dia buat dlm bi..at least aku bleh gk test english aku ok ke tak even dah teruk english nye,,
lor... dh tlepas tarikh... 11 Mei tu saya baru je abis assesment... :-)
baru hari ni blogwalking... pagi nanti... dh cuti semula... dari dunia blogging :-)
sem depan smbung balik... :-)
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