Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Selamat Hari Emak - Emak dan Facebook

♥ In honor of Mother's Day, let's see how many of you are willing to change your profile picture to a picture of your mother and keep it there till May 9th. If you will and like this idea, please repost this as your status so everyone gets the word and see how many beautiful mothers we can get on FB! ♥
Disebabkan status ini, maka ramai la anak2 telah mengubah profile pic nya kepada gambor mak mereka dia facebook.

Jadi emak2 Sudah berborak2 kosong di dalam Facebook

Haha comel kan! tapi Mak saya memang ada Facebook tapi adik saya yang conquer :p

Emak, selamat hari ibu. Nanti kita sambut balik ok. Long janji :)

p/s : Sepah Maharaja LAwak " kita nyanyi untuk ibu kita onn..". "aku tak boleh pasal aku panggil emak, hari mak, hari mak..hari ibu, hari ibu" :p

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