she writes base on my experience, my feelings, my love story ahha

time after time...
you take auniez's heart away...
she think she deserve something...
but you give her nothing...
i don't know...
the day you went away...
auniezs' heart fade away...
why it should be that way...
should i say something anyway?...
i think i should...then i'll say,
"auniez's not gonna waste another moment is it?...prove it auniez...!!!"
zhiexi dedicated this 2nd zhiexi_ramble to a bird name auniez,
fly high... feel the air... live freely...
let go everything that bother you at the moment...~~~~
we are always by your side...
loves u Zhie Xi . Thanks for being such good friend. Love you always
luv u tu burung == aunie; u'r such just like my little's just no big deal bebeh...i'll help as long i can...=(^_^)=...i'm glad that it's help you...Muax!...hhehe
lap u very2 much too :)
damn cute!~ haha
but if I were you, Im happy to have a good friend like zhiexi...
twin nti buatlah puisi utk sy plak ye.. :-)
izzah : ajuma mmg cute :D
fadilah : im happy to have her as my cute fren :)
madi : ahha itu suh zhie xi x pndai huuhu
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